Thursday, September 10, 2015

Concept art & storyboard of vignettes ideas

Uncomfortable sound
She heard the uncomfortable sound and feel painful. She shouted out and everything was stop. The sounds in the word muted. And life turn different. Then, went back to the word with sound. And she noticed that she was going to heard the uncomfortable sounds again.


-flash (for lines)
-Photoshop (for color)
-After effects

the color style like this:

Desire and responsibility
It's a 10 minutes before the time to get up. She struggles between get up and stay in bed. She keep looking at the clock and then fall asleep. At first, she waked up every 2 minutes. At last, she waked up every 2 second. The pressure of being late and the desire of sleep more made her feel crazy. Finally, the alarm clock rings.

the color style like this:

-hand drawings
-After effects

Anxious waiting
She was waiting for the cake to be finished. Time past. The place changed, but she and the oven was still there. Then she turned into tiny living creature and wait beside the oven. Finally, after the human society developed again, the cake was ready.



the color style like this:

-Flash (lines)
-Photoshop (patterns,texture)
-After effects

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