Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Final due

After living in the studio for three weeks.....it's almost there
PW: dda

Even those shot that looks like nothing are all frame by frame.....waste time and doesn't look like it worth.

(v)-animate lines : cut 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 7
(v)-color: cut 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 7
-After Effects: 2 separate layers / 5 snow
(v)-background : 2-2dirt / 3rain / 5snow

(v)-animate lines and color: cut2 the lady / 3 people / 4 solider / 5 dancer and lady /
(v)-color: 6 gun / 7 plane / 8 tank wheel / 9 lady / 10 lady
(v)-background: 3 / 5 / 9
-After Effects : trans between 2 to 3 / wheat 4 / shield 4 to 5

If have more time :
Feed back:
(v)-girl reaction when open oven (raise eyebrow, smile.....)
-cake result
-turn> a bit longer
-last burnt longer
-credit on smoke

Edit 1 zombie
List for the zombie one that needs to edit:
-Title fonts/ named shorter >>eq: BAKING

-Title background >>>sound continue

-Zombie come >>>more sound

-fight sc: slow in, hit, fast out >>>take out some, make it hit faster

-waiting sc: remove node head >>> change to just blink eyes

Edit 2 earth
-sound effect

Tuesday, April 19, 2016


pw: dda
What is left:

-animate lines and color: cut 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 7
-After Effects: 2 separate layers / 5 snow
-background : 2-2dirt / 3rain / 5snow

-animate lines and color: cut2 the lady / 3 people / 4 solider / 5 dancer and lady /
-color: 6 gun / 7 plane / 8 tank wheel / 9 lady / 10 lady
-background: 3 / 5 / 9
-After Effects : trans between 2 to 3 / wheat 4 / shield 4 to 5

If have more time :

Feed back:
-girl reaction when open oven (raise eyebrow, smile.....)
-cake result
-turn> a bit longer

Edit 1 zombie
List for the zombie one that needs to edit:
-Title fonts/ named shorter >>eq: BAKING

-Title background >>>sound continue

-Zombie come >>>more sound

-fight sc: slow in, hit, fast out >>>take out some, make it hit faster

-waiting sc: remove node head >>> change to just blink eyes

Edit 2 earth
-sound effect

April 26th
Session 14
Students present progress to class.
Pre-finals critique -- time for finishing touches... the final vignette should be very near completion today, including sound. This is a firm deadline and is part of your grade. We will review and make any final suggestions.
All final projects have to include sound and be presented professionally, i.e. make it look nice (title, credits).
Naming conventions for files: 
SP2016_Assignment_initialfirstname_lastname.mov (example: SP2016_Vignette_C_Tait.mov, SP2016_Vignette_C_Tait_1.mov)

For next week, prepare the animation files and upload to Vimeo:
1) Uncompressed
Prepare an uncompressed version of your first vignette to be handed in on a jump/flash drive. Save the file as a Quicktime movie, see spec below. Attach a label with your name and email address to the drive. Printed labels only (no handwriting). I will return this drive at the beginning of next semester. 
HDTV: (1080p - not 1080i)
Resolution: 1920 x 1080
Pixel Aspect Ratio: Square
Interlacing: NONE
Frame Rate: 29.97 fps
Compression: NONE
Audio: 48 kHz sampling rate, 16-bit stereo, uncompressed (WAF, AIFF or SD-II)

2) Compressed
Export your file using the H 264 compressor

3) Upload your file to Vimeo... 
...and send me the link prior to next week's class.

Also, prepare five well-composed high-quality production stills and save as .tif. Follow this naming convention:
SP2016_Assignment_initialfirstname_lastname.mov (example: SP2016_Still_C_Tait_1.tif, SP2016_Still_C_Tait_2.tif, etc)

Reading: "The Animated Body and Its Material Nature," by Ruth Hayes, in Animating the Unconscious: Desire, Sexuality and Animation. New York: Wallflower, 2012.

Thursday, April 14, 2016

The last studio week

Feed back:
-bunt cake last a bit longer
-girl reaction when open oven (raise eyebrow, smile.....)
-cake result
(v)-begin sound
(v)-turn> a bit longer
Edit 1 zombie
List for the zombie one that needs to edit:
-Title fonts/ named shorter >>eq: BAKING
-Title background >>>sound continue
-Zombie come >>>more sound
(v)-Lady look at cake >>> cake darker or smoke
(v)-last sc: cake edge darker, like burn
-fight sc: slow in, hit, fast out >>>take out some, make it hit faster
-waiting sc: remove node head >>> change to just blink eyes

Edit 2 earth
-sound effect

Edit 3 human
Feed back:
(v)-2 The last one can look at the lady
(v)-3 remove the dog(or move to other place)hence run around lady(?)
(v)-4 show her behind the shield
(v)-5 rescale the dancer
(v)put lady in the scene
(v)-11 change tank cut place or remove(strange show oven two time)
(v)-13 oven open slower
(v)-14 make cake looks more like cake(add some on top or put in a spring foam)
(v)darken cake*slow down at the bottom part: too fast to the end

Monday, April 11, 2016

Present process

Feed back:
-bunt cake last a bit longer
-girl reaction when open oven (raise eyebrow, smile.....)
-cake result
-begin sound
-turn> a bit longer

Edit 1 zombie
List for the zombie one that needs to edit:
-Title fonts/ named shorter >>eq: BAKING
-Title background >>>sound continue
-Zombie come >>>more sound
(v)-Lady look at cake >>> cake darker or smoke  
(v)-last sc: cake edge darker, like burn  
-fight sc: slow in, hit, fast out >>>take out some, make it hit faster
-waiting sc: remove node head >>> change to just blink eyes

Edit 2 earth
-sound effect

Edit 3 human
Feed back:
(v)-2 The last one can look at the lady
(v)-3 remove the dog(or move to other place)
hence run around lady(?)
(v)-4 show her behind the shield
(v)-5 rescale the dancer
(v)put lady in the scene
(v)-11 change tank cut place or remove(strange show oven two time)
(v)-13 oven open slower
(v)-14 make cake looks more like cake(add some on top or put in a spring foam)
(v)darken cake
*slow down at the bottom part: too fast to the end

Did not draw spring form because spring form is a bit higher, I would like the cake pop up..... higher than the container's edge.

Earth one is  also in process, the movement done in PS is almost the same, so I did not export them.

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Second one edit

-Re add the sound effect
-remove the dinosaur
-edit every cut timing

I hope this change will make it better........

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Third one in progress

Feed back:
2 The last one can look at the lady
3 remove the dog(or move to other place)
hence run around lady(?)
4 show her behind the shield
5 rescale the dancer
put lady in the scene
11 change tank cut place or remove(strange show oven two time)
13 oven oven slower
14 make cake looks more like cake(add some on top or put in a spring foam)
darken cake
*slow down at the bottom part: too fast to the end

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Presentation reference

Contemporary Animation Outside the Mainstream-powerpoint

Michaela Pavlátová - Tram (2012)(Film link)

Michaela Pavlátová (Artist website)

Interview with “Tram” director(article)

sexperiences FB page(The reason why made the film)

sexperiences trailer

Once upon a Time... Life(1989)(Education film by France)

film screen record 1-1(mystery sex)

film screen record 1-3(mystery born)

original link of YouTube

NHKスペシャル 驚異の小宇宙 人体(Education film by Japanese)
film screen record(mystery sex and baby born)

original film link(register to watch)

【楽譜】驚異の小宇宙・人体より THE INNERS(film music by Joe Hisaishi(久石譲)

Video sell on Amazon

Leah Shore-BOOBattery

Leah Shore website

Faith Holland (Body Anxiety event)

other artist website

Animation on TV

Doraemonドラえもん(article on website)

compare original and other country


It Was Illegal For Men To Show Their Nipples In Public In The 1930s

Holly Van Voast

Internet Confine(Nipples)

In Taiwan and on Facebook, the Nipple is Not Yet Free (News article)

FB page(Taiwan)

Lady's blog

FB community standards(Nudity)

Interesting video

Feminist art works images from:
1. WACK! : art and the feminist revolution / organized by Cornelia Butler
2. The power of feminist art : the American movement of the 1970s, history and impact / edited by Norma Broude and Mary D. Garrard
3. Vicious, delicious, and ambitious : 20th century women artists / Sherri Cullison

Library book list that I had checked out

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Finished animation in Flash

Take out :
-falling part (distract)
-dinosaur (not necessary, add if have time)

Timing of each cut : weird
-Snowing cut can be longer

Suggestion of former discuss:
At last if have time, revise the Zombie one first
The end of each vignettes >> make them same

Problems met:
a more complicated process, and it's hard to edit if already exported because it has too many images.
-file named
-making process
-layers separate

*when export into image sequence, PS can't choose "PNG, JPEG"(it's always grey), only TIFF and PSD
>>file too large

-Don't export as image frame
-Import PSD file as composition to AE

For this week:
1. Finish all the animation in Flash
2. Rename file

Naming rules:

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Animation in FL / finished background

For testing cut earth 02~03

-make lady in the environment
have movement every time
-the direction of the movement
too stick
-overlap every motion
don't come out one by one
-sand lady slower
+sand smoke longer

for this week:
1. background scene 2
2. all the animation of EARTH in Flash
3. finish animatic with the new background (optional)
4. done a cut (prefer finishing the test scene)

5. a new combine version for presentation in class (with finish part)
6. add notes to zombie one/ need edit part (optional)

cut02  animation in Flash

Earth -- combine new part

A rough combine  with all (x need edit)

my new schedule

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Presentation outline

Presentation outline
2. Artist/ film
Michaela Pavlátová - Tram (2012)

Woman's desire of sex
-what shouldn't show
-other feminist / female artist

Start from the animation "Tram" to look through films and art works that shows
-sexual desire

-human body
How these artist do to reveal those public refuse or shame to discuss

-how baby is born
-human body

nipple, butt, sexual organ....., which is consider to be covered

artist film
action (eq. naked bike ride)

internet confine (eq. facebook)

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Testing new process

Testing result

-Will add shadow on the sand
-export into separate layers >> blur and other effects (ground shaking)
-to draw movement and edit timeline is better than in PS

After I had done in Photoshop, I imported back to Flash, since I only exported the keyframe.
But....since I made the image a bit larger in PS, when I want to put the image back on stage, it has to be scaled by myself. Here comes the problem, I can't make each image in the same spot and same size.....

Solution 1: copy the key frame and named them, fill up all the frame.
=> tried it, very time consuming, and if I want to edit some image, will be very annoying.

Solution 2: pull the timeline in PS, to make the key frame more frame. Then export it.
=>Better, will use this one. If all the line/animation in the cut is done, then do the PS coloring work will be more efficiently
 the cut with testing cut02-03

new process testing

Monday, February 8, 2016

Broad idea of presentation

During the spring semester, each student also delivers a Research Presentations. Students prepare a 20-minute critical presentations on the topic of "Contemporary Animation Outside the Mainstream." Prior to the presentation, students discuss their research findings with the instructor, submit their final topic idea, an abstract and outline for the presentation. Presentations will be graded on soundness and depth of research, and overall quality and clarity.

1. Artist/ film

Run Wrake

old printing (childhood)
children's book
pop art
human greedy
2. Artist/ film
Michaela Pavlátová - Tram (2012)


option 2
Film style

Paper style 

Stop motion - animation with real human hands
2d drawings/ stop motion

Supervenus (Teaser)

animation drawing with real hands 
old painting
human beauty


Honda paper

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Start animate

Some suggestion for the animatic:

For the EARTH
-when meteorite hits, don't explode >>> shake
For the HUMAN
-when primitive past by, silhouette, character in a simple way, don't put too much detail
-the last bomb (keep or remove to make it same as others)

-the waiting >>> add some in the middle

For this week:
-A rough animatic by adding the new background / in progress
-Start drawing the animation  / in progress
-A test scene (done) by the new process / in progress
(about the new process, see the article "Start working" on Jan)
-A done background of new scene / in progress

-put three vignettes together

Friday, January 29, 2016

Start working II / animatic edit

more sketches:
background/character design
do research and make notes
>>> ready to work on PS







buildings crush

turn into sand

when meteorite  hits the earth


full with water
blue green alga


ice age

pop up from snow

when she looks at the cake