Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Testing new process

Testing result

-Will add shadow on the sand
-export into separate layers >> blur and other effects (ground shaking)
-to draw movement and edit timeline is better than in PS

After I had done in Photoshop, I imported back to Flash, since I only exported the keyframe.
But....since I made the image a bit larger in PS, when I want to put the image back on stage, it has to be scaled by myself. Here comes the problem, I can't make each image in the same spot and same size.....

Solution 1: copy the key frame and named them, fill up all the frame.
=> tried it, very time consuming, and if I want to edit some image, will be very annoying.

Solution 2: pull the timeline in PS, to make the key frame more frame. Then export it.
=>Better, will use this one. If all the line/animation in the cut is done, then do the PS coloring work will be more efficiently
 the cut with testing cut02-03

new process testing

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