Thursday, April 14, 2016

The last studio week

Feed back:
-bunt cake last a bit longer
-girl reaction when open oven (raise eyebrow, smile.....)
-cake result
(v)-begin sound
(v)-turn> a bit longer
Edit 1 zombie
List for the zombie one that needs to edit:
-Title fonts/ named shorter >>eq: BAKING
-Title background >>>sound continue
-Zombie come >>>more sound
(v)-Lady look at cake >>> cake darker or smoke
(v)-last sc: cake edge darker, like burn
-fight sc: slow in, hit, fast out >>>take out some, make it hit faster
-waiting sc: remove node head >>> change to just blink eyes

Edit 2 earth
-sound effect

Edit 3 human
Feed back:
(v)-2 The last one can look at the lady
(v)-3 remove the dog(or move to other place)hence run around lady(?)
(v)-4 show her behind the shield
(v)-5 rescale the dancer
(v)put lady in the scene
(v)-11 change tank cut place or remove(strange show oven two time)
(v)-13 oven open slower
(v)-14 make cake looks more like cake(add some on top or put in a spring foam)
(v)darken cake*slow down at the bottom part: too fast to the end

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