Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Animation, line

Lots of the computer can't open the "document" file.....
So, I can't export the video. (Using premiere)
Will upload it at studio class.

Thursday, November 12, 2015


-background outline finished
-characters outline finished
-start put on colors

new schedule

Thursday, November 5, 2015


-Earth: events happen >>overlap
-stove: diff side,diff position
-color: paper background, lighter stove
-scene: front, middle, back
*schedule (have name on it) print out and bring

outline / animation


Tuesday, November 3, 2015

animation testing

-look from different d to oven
-contrast to pink word (eq: dead flower)
-add more detail (show where is it)
book: Loco motive Brain Floca
-make it look wild(eq: tumble weed, wind blow sound)

If turn slow

If add dead plants

How it will look like